WealthMark manages four separate strategies that are implemented through the Crucible Multi-Strategy Portfolio, DaVinci Fixed Income Portfolio, Juggernaut All Equity Risk Parity Portfolio, and the Phoenix Risk Neutral Portfolio. All of our strategies share a common root in that each portfolio is designed around a risk budget rather than a capital budget. We attempt to allocate equal units of risk to various potential economic outcomes, such as inflationary, deflationary, expansionary, recessionary, and fluctuating policy environments. Firm research shows this methodology has increased portfolio returns and reduced overall volatility on a historical basis.
Most investment managers allocate capital based on return targets. Although this might sound like a reasonable goal, no investor can force markets to meet specified return targets. We invest based on risk exposures and our client’s unique financial goals. By allocating capital across targeted levels of risk, our portfolios consistently outperform industry benchmarks, leaving individual asset performance to fluctuate with market forces. In effect, this greatly enhances the overall portfolio’s return per unit of risk.
The Crucible Multi-Strategy Portfolio utilizes a dynamic combination of seven different strategies based on market conditions and economic cycles. Each strategy provides unique characteristics that have been shown to add value over long periods of time, generating strong returns per unit of risk. The Crucible Portfolio is only available with performance based pricing to qualified investors.
WealthMark’s DaVinci Portfolio applies the risk budget concept to an all bond portfolio. Our strategy is unique to the balanced risk space because it is implemented using only fixed income assets.
WealthMark’s Juggernaut Portfolio applies the risk budget concept to an all equity portfolio. Our strategy is unique to the balanced risk space because it is implemented using only equity assets.
The Phoenix Portfolio allocates capital based on potential economic outcomes, such as inflation or deflation, with an overall target standard deviation of 8%.
Our firm is committed to giving back to the global community through the microfinancing site Kiva.
Services offered range from portfolio management to estate and tax
Check out the list below to gather a better understanding of what we
are capable of delivering.
Custom Portfolio Solutions | Absolute Return Strategies |
Turnkey Asset Management Programs | Estate and Tax Planning |
All Weather Strategies | 24/7 Customer Service |
1329 North State Street, Suite 206
Bellingham, WA 98225
[email protected]
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Fax: (360) 544-0119
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